Names carved on stones and new ones adding, somewhere candles as the only source of light are flickering while somewhere flowers lay withered. It's always scary to talk about graveyard and especially when it's surrounded by eerie silence and saddening memories. / Full Story In Caption / Names carved on stones and new ones adding, somewhere candles as the only source of light are flickering while somewhere flowers lay withered. It's always scary to talk about graveyard and especially when it's surrounded by eerie silence and saddening memories. People keep residing on earth and betray it by escaping but anyways that's what cliche life cycle is and being preached very proudly. In same trapped world, there breaths a sad clown but beneath masks. Some see him and laugh at his pity condition while some eyes get a reason to be happy as it's all about perspective. He has noone in this world yet many who invite and treats him. But a place where he feels belongingness is that graveyard where people feel the worst. As he has been seeing deaths since childhood and when he grew up, he started burying dreams, aspirations and what not. He decided to become clown when he realised that how easy it would be to publicize the happy mask he keeps pretending.