Nojoto: Largest Storytelling Platform

Kasam khai thi uski k tumhe ab tang nai krein gey

Kasam khai thi uski k tumhe ab tang nai krein gey
Kuch bhi hojye par tumse gila nai krein gey
Ye kasam hi ley doobi hai mujhe wrna
Hum us se bat nai krein gey to kya krein gey??? #fornojoto#shayari
Kasam khai thi uski k tumhe ab tang nai krein gey
Kuch bhi hojye par tumse gila nai krein gey
Ye kasam hi ley doobi hai mujhe wrna
Hum us se bat nai krein gey to kya krein gey??? #fornojoto#shayari


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