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Prostitutes are also human beings like us,they are

Prostitutes are also human beings like us,they are also made of flesh but people don't think or talk of them because they think that this occupation(prostitution)and the women who engage in it, aren't deserve any sort of respect in this society. People think that if a woman is engage in prostitution then she is doing it with her own will. But i want to tell people that no one is willing to be whore/prostitute. People think that prostitutes are happy with their work but why doesn't anyone want to know prostitute's reality, their pain,their helplessness, their hazardous condition in which they live their life in brothels? Yes,i am agree that it should not be sexual harrassment infact it is more than sexual harrassment when people (men)look at prostitutes with the lusty eyes because it may not hares them physically but it strikes them mentally. People who thinks that prostitutes don't have respect and they are not worth of it ,i want to ask them that they can fulfil their lust or can spent a night with prostitutes so why can't they talk or think about prostitutes?prostitutes emerge themselves in this fealty occupation due to poverty (as jayanta mahapatra presents in his poem "Dholi") ,sacrifice themselves or their whole life for their family or if a man has copulate with a whore ,then he is equally responsible as much as that whore .(So why this society or people don't neglect those person who have mingled with prostitutes. )Prostitution isn't good occupation i agree ,that they sell their body for money ,but what about those men who pays them for one or two nights ?So it doesn't mean that they are not worth of this society because if there is no slut/whore then the number of rape will increase.So according to me talking of them isn't indecent or unacceptable behaviour in gnteel society. 
By :juhi saini 
1:53a.m(13 oct 2018) #Prostitutes#
Prostitutes are also human beings like us,they are also made of flesh but people don't think or talk of them because they think that this occupation(prostitution)and the women who engage in it, aren't deserve any sort of respect in this society. People think that if a woman is engage in prostitution then she is doing it with her own will. But i want to tell people that no one is willing to be whore/prostitute. People think that prostitutes are happy with their work but why doesn't anyone want to know prostitute's reality, their pain,their helplessness, their hazardous condition in which they live their life in brothels? Yes,i am agree that it should not be sexual harrassment infact it is more than sexual harrassment when people (men)look at prostitutes with the lusty eyes because it may not hares them physically but it strikes them mentally. People who thinks that prostitutes don't have respect and they are not worth of it ,i want to ask them that they can fulfil their lust or can spent a night with prostitutes so why can't they talk or think about prostitutes?prostitutes emerge themselves in this fealty occupation due to poverty (as jayanta mahapatra presents in his poem "Dholi") ,sacrifice themselves or their whole life for their family or if a man has copulate with a whore ,then he is equally responsible as much as that whore .(So why this society or people don't neglect those person who have mingled with prostitutes. )Prostitution isn't good occupation i agree ,that they sell their body for money ,but what about those men who pays them for one or two nights ?So it doesn't mean that they are not worth of this society because if there is no slut/whore then the number of rape will increase.So according to me talking of them isn't indecent or unacceptable behaviour in gnteel society. 
By :juhi saini 
1:53a.m(13 oct 2018) #Prostitutes#

Juhi Saini

New Creator