Nojoto: Largest Storytelling Platform

Because , this gives fruits , shadow ,wood a

Because  , this   gives  fruits , shadow ,wood and oxygen to others but never demand any thing  for itself , Hey writero! Pen n Popcorn are here with 'Figures Of Speeh Writing Month!' Where you will be given different figures of speech like metaphors and similes! All you have to do is write your beautiful poems using them! ❤️

🍿 Best collaboration poems will be highlighted ❤️😁

🍿 Also this challenge is also included in 'Writer Of The Month' So what are you waiting for! Collab with us and write your lovely poems 😄❤️🍿

#pnpfoswrimo #pnpfoswrimo3 #pnpifeel_like_a_tree #pennpopcorn #collabwithpnp #yqbaba #pnp260821   #YourQuoteAndMine
Collaborating with Pen n Popcorn

Because  , this   gives  fruits , shadow ,wood and oxygen to others but never demand any thing  for itself , Hey writero! Pen n Popcorn are here with 'Figures Of Speeh Writing Month!' Where you will be given different figures of speech like metaphors and similes! All you have to do is write your beautiful poems using them! ❤️

🍿 Best collaboration poems will be highlighted ❤️😁

🍿 Also this challenge is also included in 'Writer Of The Month' So what are you waiting for! Collab with us and write your lovely poems 😄❤️🍿

#pnpfoswrimo #pnpfoswrimo3 #pnpifeel_like_a_tree #pennpopcorn #collabwithpnp #yqbaba #pnp260821   #YourQuoteAndMine
Collaborating with Pen n Popcorn