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To love life,to love it when you feel nauseous of

To love life,to love it when you feel nauseous of it and everything you had hold onto slips away like fine sand.
The thorns prick your throat and you can't even swallow the grief,the hot humid in the air making your neck itch and giving you trouble while breathing.Grief is clinging to you like a second skin and you are thinking how can my body withstand this wreck?
Then you hold your life like a face between your palms,a face full of flaws,without a spark in the eyes,colour gone pale and look deeply at the soul and you say,Yes,I will take you back and I will love you again,from the scratch.

  I will love you again
#Chess #again #Love #lovelife #selflove #Life #Life_experience #thought #New #newpost  UnHeardकवि Bhagyashree Jena Bibhuprasad Biswal:Aesthete