Our fascination for you remain. Our love for you won't diminish. In our psyche you are etched. You'll always be our mate. "Here men from the planet Earth first set foot upon the moon. July 1969 A.D. We came in peace for all mankind." This is what the plaque left on the moon by the Apollo 11 astronauts on July 20, 1969, says. The plaque was attached to the ladder on the landing gear strut on the descent stage of the Apollo 11 Lunar Module. If you had the chance to leave your words on the moon, what would you write? Collaborate with Democrats & Dissenters and etch your words on the lunar surface for eternity. ❤ (Image credit - NASA) #yqdnd #dndmoonplaque #moonday #moonlanding #yqbaba #humanity #words #YourQuoteAndMine