Cutting a weed or opium seems to be an easy task But it's not While cutting it's smell is horrible and intolerable and while cutting the leaves hits us hard everywhere in our body But when gets cut and cleaned The barren land even looks like a heaven. Leaving or Removing baddies takes time. But when asked to cut a mango tree Which took 2 years time to grow Gets cut in 2 minutes. Initially things look good. But thereafter everything turns almost wilder. Replacing Bad with an Excellent quality doesn't take time. So while giving up something bad it takes time but it goes off and never comeback Give time some time. Time is not the best healer. But time makes us the best healer of ourselves. Everyone deserves a second chance to improvise in life. #GiveYourselfaThousandChances #OneStepTowardsGoodness #MakesYouABetterPersonEveryMoment #yqbaba