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Looking constantly at her like a thief, Unknowingl

Looking constantly at her like a thief,
Unknowingly doing all crazy mischiefs,
With face filled with glowing gigglings,
Getting recognition from her is very tough,
But I stick on to this strife,
Even though,
I know I won't find her in my life.. #crushandblush#notojonews#notojo#notojomemes#notojopoem#notojoquote#thief#mischief#life#notojostory
Looking constantly at her like a thief,
Unknowingly doing all crazy mischiefs,
With face filled with glowing gigglings,
Getting recognition from her is very tough,
But I stick on to this strife,
Even though,
I know I won't find her in my life.. #crushandblush#notojonews#notojo#notojomemes#notojopoem#notojoquote#thief#mischief#life#notojostory


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