Nojoto: Largest Storytelling Platform

Maximum city one room kitchen flaunts a multitaski

Maximum city one room kitchen
flaunts a multitasking bed,
kids playground in daytime, 
parents battleground by night, 
once upon ,though brand new,
creaked happily into the dawn.

The children have grown up now.

The parents have given up.

The bedsheets 
crave creases & stains.

The stillness is chilly.

     #battleground #life #yqbaba
Maximum city one room kitchen
flaunts a multitasking bed,
kids playground in daytime, 
parents battleground by night, 
once upon ,though brand new,
creaked happily into the dawn.

The children have grown up now.

The parents have given up.

The bedsheets 
crave creases & stains.

The stillness is chilly.

     #battleground #life #yqbaba

Amit Jotwani

New Creator