A PHİLOSOPHER met a DERVİSH one day, and they instantly hit it off.The TWO talked for DAYS on END, completing each other's sentences. FİNALLY, when they parted company, the PHİLOSOPHER REPORTED of the CONVERSATİON , "ALL THAT İ KNOW, HE SEES". Next the SUFİ gave his account: " ALL THAT İ SEE HE KNOWS". So, the SUFİ THİNKS he "SEES", and the PHİLOSOPHER THİNKS he " kNOWS". İN my OPİNİON they see NOTHİNG and know NOTHİNG . Don't they REALİZE that as SİMPLE, LİMİTED, and ULTİMATELY MORAL HUMAN BEİNGS, we are not expected to know more than we should? The most a human being is capable of attaining is a mere smattering of information about the ALMİGHTY .That's all. Our task is not to interpret GOD'S teachings but to OBEY them! #philosopher #dervish #Thezealot #thefortyrulesoflove