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5 Native Americans Left A Code Of Rules For Manki

5 Native Americans Left A Code
Of  Rules For Mankind To
Live By.
1. Rise with the sun to pray. Pray alone and
often. The Great Spirit will listen onlyifyou
2. Be tolerant of the people who are lost on
their path. Ignorance, jealousy, anger, and
greed stem from a lost soul. Pray that they'll
find guidance.
3. Search for yourself, by yourself. Don't allow
others to create your path for you. It's yours
And your
road and yours alone. Others might
you, but nobody can walk it for you.
walk it with
4. Treat your guests in your home with consider-
ation. Serve them the best food, offer them your
best bed and treat them with respect and honor.
5. Don't take what isn't yours either froma
person, community or culture. It wasn't earned
nor given. It isn't yours.

  #teatime #Brahmamuhurat 5:31 AM
#Life ✒ #wakeup❤
#rulesoflogic #Rules #khaultisyahi 💞
#morninginspiration #Wakeup ❤ #morningcoffee coffee ☀️☕