the days of my childhood spent in the air force campus...those lovely evenings had a whole different kind of vibes. As soon as the clock used to strike and my friends used to get out of our house with our bicycles (which also had a name) on the roads of the campus... like a free bird... like it is owned by us... without any fear or tension... like it is just our time... our time of laughters, gossips and what those days have become just memories...damn! those days were the best ❤️ Good morning. Today's World Bicycle Day and here's a special prompt for you. #freshthoughts #wheniseeabicycle In April 2018, the United Nations General Assembly declared June 3 as International World Bicycle Day. The resolution for World Bicycle Day recognizes "the uniqueness, longevity and versatility of the bicycle, which has been in use for two centuries, and that it is a simple, affordable, reliable, clean and environmentally fit sustainable means of transport." #worldbicycleday #YourQuoteAndMine Collaborating with YourQuote Baba