Nojoto: Largest Storytelling Platform
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I am touched and overwhelmed by all your lovely wishes and messages on my birthday.
 YOU are a part of my life and I thank you for it.
Gratitude Unlimited🙏
Divine Embrace❣️
God bless😇 #birthdaywishes


#Pehlealfaaz यदि आप के चंद मीठे बोलों से
किसी का रक्त बढ़ता है तो यह भी रक्त दान है

यदि आप के द्वारा किसी की
पीठ थपथपाने से उसकी थकावट दूर होती है तो यह भी श्रम दान है

यदि आप कुछ भी खाते समय उतना ही प्लेट में लें
कि कुछ भी व्यर्थ ना जाए तो यह भी अन्न दान है।

     🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 #humanity


One night Sri Adi Shankaracharya, the great Advaita Master, was desperately searching for something on the street outside his small hut.

When his pupil returned from his errand, he saw this and curiously asked the Master, “Aacharya, what are you looking for here on the street at this hour?”

Shankaracharya replied, “I lost my needle, I am looking for it.”

The pupil joined him in the search, but after searching for a while, he asked, “Can you try and recollect where you might have dropped it?”

Shankaracharya said, “Of course, I remember. I dropped it near the bed in the hut.”

The pupil, utterly astonished at the strange answer, said, “Aacharya, you say you lost it inside the house, then why are we looking for it outside?”

Shankaracharya innocently replied, “There is no oil left in the lamp, so it is pitch dark inside the house. Hence I thought of searching for it outside since there is enough street light here.”

While holding back his laugh, the pupil said, “If you lost your needle inside the house, how could you even expect to find it outside?”

Shankaracharya simply smiled back at the pupil and said, "Isn't that what we do? We run to far away temples and walk up mountains to search for what we have lost inside ourselves. We are all seeking outside what we have lost inside us. Why? Just because it is pitch dark inside.
Silly, aren’t we?"

"Light the Lamp inside you and find your lost treasure right there in." #puresoul


With such unstable weather and dangerous SKY (heavy rain and stormy conditions)
Remember to chant

Baba Fareed Shakargunj.

It has been very helpful always to KEEP the rough weather RESTORE back to CALM. 

All pilots specially KEEP this written on a piece of paper and carry with you. Repeat the name of Baba Fareed Shakargunj

~Rhoda🙏 #switchwords #energycircles #divineremedies


We get crushes on others
     - not because we truly love and understand them, 
but to distract ourselves from our suffering. 

When we learn to love and understand ourselves and have true compassion for ourselves, 
then we can truly love and understand another person.

#thich_nhat_hanh #truelove


😃Came across this lovely poem... 

The heart-throb of the school, 
is a man grim and somber.

That lanky little girl, 
is now a successful weight-lifter. 

The topper of the class, 
is a happy homemaker.
Back bencher of the lot, 
is an entrepreneur.

The flambuoyant fashionista, 
became a dreaded lawyer.
Oft ignored average Joe, 
turned a well known writer.

The one who failed math paper, 
is a fashion designer, 
and one who often got to stand outside the class,
is a respected army officer.

The reunion taught me how, 
people come with many layers, 
and told me why we should never
judge a book by its cover...

Each child out there has a different success story!! 
Lets help our children, 
write it without any worry 😊💫 #childhood


Heard it some where, " _*hazaro kahaaniyan hai is jahaan mei, hazaro kisse har roz ke, hazaro hasi ke thahake, hazaro khadshe, log likhte nahi toh karte kya hai? "*_
 Don't u agree to it? 
I certainly do. 

The stories or anecdotes that we will be telling to our kids or grandkids are the things thats currently happening to us. The best part of life may not always be the thing that we do, these are also the thing thay happen to us, the things that u might be sad about today but will surely laugh upon in future. As these are the ones that are completing ur story and deep inside we all know it. So even if we know that everyday in our life is creating a story, a lessson, some kind of teaching, still why is it that very few are termed or labled as writers or poets? 

Dont we know how to write?  
Yes, we do. Dont we know how to express ourselves? Oh! we know that too.
Don't we want our story to be heard by everyone? 
That we definitely do.  Still whats that which makes us not to write down or express or share the ocean of feelings that we have accumulated in us?

 Are we scared about "log kya kahenge? " 
Do we have a profound fear of coming out as emotional?  
Are we too busy trying to prove to others that we have a happening life?  
So busy and involved in it that neither do we want to take out time to write our own stories, nor do we want others to have even a teeny tiny realization of what we are inside. There could be several such reasons I could come up with....

To be continued....
Veekkas Kanojia #musingsofVikas


Heard it some where,
 " _*hazaro kahaaniyan hai is jahaan mei, hazaro kisse har roz ke, hazaro hasi ke thahake, hazaro khadshe, log likhte nahi toh karte kya hai? "*
_ Don't u agree to it? 
I certainly do. 
The stories or anecdotes that we will be telling to our kids or grandkids are the things thats currently happening to us. The best part of life may not always be the thing that we do, these are also the thing thay happen to us, the things that u might be sad about today but will surely laugh upon in future. As these are the ones that are completing ur story and deep inside we all know it. So even if we know that everyday in our life is creating a story, a lessson, some kind of teaching, still why is it that very few are termed or labled as writers or poets? 
Dont we know how to write?  
Yes, we do. Dont we know how to express ourselves? Oh! we know that too.
Don't we want our story to be heard by everyone? 
That we definitely do.  Still whats that which makes us not to write down or express or share the ocean of feelings that we have accumulated in us?

 Are we scared about "log kya kahenge? " 
Do we have a profound fear of coming out as emotional?  
Are we too busy trying to prove to others that we have a happening life?  
So busy and involved in it that neither do we want to take out time to write our own stories, nor do we want others to have even a teeny tiny realization of what we are inside. There could be several such reasons I could come up with....

To be continued....
Veekkas Kanojia #musingsofVikas


Heard it some where, " _*hazaro kahaaniyan hai is jahaan mei, hazaro kisse har roz ke, hazaro hasi ke thahake, hazaro khadshe, log likhte nahi toh karte kya hai? "*_ Don't u agree to it? 

I certainly do. 

The stories or anecdotes that we will be telling to our kids or grandkids are the things thats currently happening to us. The best part of life may not always be the thing that we do, these are also the thing thay happen to us, the things that u might be sad about today but will surely laugh upon in future. As these are the ones that are completing ur story and deep inside we all know it. So even if we know that everyday in our life is creating a story, a lessson, some kind of teaching, still why is it that very few are termed or labled as writers or poets? 

Dont we know how to write?  
Yes, we do. Dont we know how to express ourselves? Oh! we know that too.

Don't we want our story to be heard by everyone? 
That we definitely do.  Still whats that which makes us not to write down or express or share the ocean of feelings that we have accumulated in us?

 Are we scared about "log kya kahenge? " 

Do we have a profound fear of coming out as emotional?  

Are we too busy trying to prove to others that we have a happening life?  
So busy and involved in it that neither do we want to take out time to write our own stories, nor do we want others to have even a teeny tiny realization of what we are inside. There could be several such reasons I could come up with....

To be continued....
Veekkas Kanojia #MusingsofVikas


I offer my salutations to All my Teachers,Mentors, Guides and Gurus for showering their blessings and Wisdom on me. 

A special pranam to my parents who are my first Gurus. 🙏

I would be nothing without All of their blessings Teacher's day

Teacher's day
