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mansi tyagi

Words can either grow gardens or can grow weeds!

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mansi tyagi

If affection can morph into retrenchment and bitterness 
then pain can surely be forged into self-care and strength. #pain_to_gain

mansi tyagi

Silences crawl in when words fall asleep! #silences

#Silences nojoto


mansi tyagi

All that really sickens my spine is revisiting the bygones and asking myself-
Did I deserve all what happened to me? 

Irrespective of limitless consolations to my overthought vacillation this keeps stabbing me and corrodes the "still building" strength. #vent_out

mansi tyagi

Heavy is the head that retains even what it shouldn't.
Heavy is the heart that knows no "letting go".
Heavy is the soul that connects easily and lingers within its peripheries.
Heavy remains the person who couldn't ease out his heavy soul,  heart and head. #heavy

mansi tyagi

2 Years of Nojoto  आइने से यारी रखी, 
काश आइना भी हमसे यारी रखता, 
इंसान का चेहरा दिखाने की जगह 
उसका किरदार दिखाता| #आइना

mansi tyagi

कभी बेवजह भी मुसकुराना सीखिए, 
हर मुस्कान के पीछे वजह मत ढूंढिए। 
क्या पता आपके बेवजह मुसकुराने से 
किसी को मुसकुराने की वजह मिलने वाली हो।

माना कि हर बात पर रोना तो कमजो़री है, 
माना कि बात बात पर रोना कमजो़री है, 
पर क्या पता उस एक रोने से 
जिंदगी कुछ साफ सी नज़र आने वाली हो।

ये है तो ऐसा क्यों है, हर चीज़ के पीछे इस "क्यों"को मत ढूंढिए।
कुछ चीज़ें यूँही बेवजह भी होने दीजिए, 
फिर क्या पता ये जिंदगी कुछ सुलझी हुई, 
आसान सी दिखाई देने वाली हो। #muskuraaiye

mansi tyagi

If the human heart was just another muscular organ, 

It wouldn't pain the same yet heavier even with a thought of a still vivid memory that suddenly turned green! #heart

mansi tyagi

2 Years of Nojoto बिना बात के बात बन जाना,
अपने आप में किसी बात से कम है क्या? #baat

mansi tyagi

This is how we ended,  
You never tried raising a question,
Assuming me to be a comma, 
And I ended up being a full stop. #end

mansi tyagi

Often some people are a mirage to your life,
The more you fetch for them,
More ambiguous your life turns. 
And suddenly you question their presence
 if it even existed in the former place! #mirage