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Santosh Jangam

शब्दोंकी दुनिया हमारा जीवन, लोग कवि कहते हैँ | "Word is my World, People call me a Poet"

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Santosh Jangam

White "विचार - शक्ती"

सद्विचारांची ज्योत, पेटवा मनी, ध्येय धरावं, विशाल आसमानी।
कर्तव्य पथ हा, घेईल आकार, ध्यास जीवनाचा, यशस्वी साकार॥

उत्तम विचारचं, ठसवा मनी, आचरणात यावा, ध्यान लावुनी।
पुस्तकी ज्ञान मग मागे टाकुनी, हाच खरा बोध, तुंम्ही घ्या जाणुनी॥

पराजय ही, विजयाची जननी, हीच ती सुंदरता, सुखी जीवनी।
नित्य निरंतर, करावं सत्कर्म, हीन जे संस्कार, न होई विस्तीर्ण॥

ज्योती सम असावी, विचारा धारा, कर्मचं वाही, शक्तीचा स्रोत सारा।
जीवनी सकारात्मक, बिज पेरा, सुखद भविष्य, येईल आकारा।।

बालमनी पेरा, सुविचार बिज, आत्मबळ करी, विश्वासाचं चीज।
जीवनाच लक्ष, दिसे नजरेत, आयुष्य सफलता, येई कवेत।।
निराश हृदय, विचारा अडसर, प्रकाशित मन, दावी अवसर।
सुविचार मग, करतीलं संचार, आत्मसम्मानास, येईलं उभार।।

विघ्न येता वाटेस, रहावे शांत, आशा ज्योत उजळी, मनी निवांत।
मिळेलं शुद्ध, विचारास एकांत, समृद्ध पथ हा, दृष्टीस साक्षात।।
शरीर हे, विचार प्रकट रूप, राष्ट्र हेचं जन-मनाचे स्वरूप।
शुद्धता, सद्विचारांची अभिव्यक्ती,जीवनातं नसावी, निराशा चित्ती।।

करूया विचार, साम्राज्य निर्माण, धरूया उंच, आशात्मक निशाण।
गाठूया स्वप्न ही, प्रयत्न पंखानी, जगूया जीवन, आनंदी-सन्मानी।।

©Santosh Jangam
  #कविता : सकारात्मक विचारांनी यश मिळवा, चुकांपासून शिका, चांगले कर्म करा आणि आत्मविश्वास बाळगा. अशा विचारांनी स्वतः आणि राष्ट्र उन्नती करा.

#कविता : सकारात्मक विचारांनी यश मिळवा, चुकांपासून शिका, चांगले कर्म करा आणि आत्मविश्वास बाळगा. अशा विचारांनी स्वतः आणि राष्ट्र उन्नती करा. #मराठीकविता


Santosh Jangam

"In Devotion's Embrace"

Inner voice's song, a prayer's sound,  
Mortal's cry to divine profound.

Soul and divine in sacred talk,  
Worry ends, anxieties balk.

Prayers appease the raging storm,  
Subtle strength finds sudden form.

Devotion's way, reflection's light,  
God, the father, kind and right.

Pure pleas, no bargaining art,  
True wishes rise from the heart.

Patience conquers, cast worries aside,  
Life's path with laughter, let it glide.

Devotion's flame burns ever bright,  
Strive with strength, soul alight.

Universal mother's grace and space,  
Her presence answers, liberates.

Silent feelings, divine within,  
Grace guides where goodness wins.

World's prayer, whispered plea,  
He grants desires, spirits free.

©Santosh Jangam
  #Poem The moral of the poem is that sincere, selfless prayer brings strength, peace and divine guidance, leading to inner happiness and spiritual liberation.

#poem The moral of the poem is that sincere, selfless prayer brings strength, peace and divine guidance, leading to inner happiness and spiritual liberation. #Poetry


Santosh Jangam

"Eternal Companion"

In whispers soft, I long to speak,
In silent depths, my heart to seek.

Your love's moonlight, a radiant gleam,
In its embrace, I find my dream.

In every little thing you do,
Joy's tender touch, I seek anew.

In mirror's gaze, your image bright,
Hand in hand, through misty night.

In memories' shade, my dreams take flight,
Your constant presence, my guiding light.

Forever by your side to stay,
My love's companion, come what may.

©Santosh Jangam
  #Poem The poem celebrates the longing for companionship and unwavering devotion in love. It finds beauty in every aspect of a loved one's presence.

#poem The poem celebrates the longing for companionship and unwavering devotion in love. It finds beauty in every aspect of a loved one's presence. #Poetry


Santosh Jangam

"Golden  Wisdom"

In porches they gather, from sight they are sought,
By time's river swept, wisdom they've brought.

Like jackfruits they stand, their hearts full of gold,
Eyes deep as wells, their stories retold.

Wrinkles like etchings, skin sun-kissed by time,
Clothes worn and faded, their presence sublime.

Foreheads with sandalwood, devotion in song,
Their tales and their laughter, forever prolong.

Memories we cherish, their lessons we trace,
Their smiles and their wisdom, a joy to embrace.

Life's flame in their eyes, like beacons they shine,
Guiding our dreams, their legacy divine.

These elders, our teachers, inspiring our ways,
With hearts full of reverence, we honor their days.

©Santosh Jangam
  #poem Cherish and honor the wisdom of the elderly, recognizing their stories and experiences as valuable guides for our own lives.

#poem Cherish and honor the wisdom of the elderly, recognizing their stories and experiences as valuable guides for our own lives. #Poetry


Santosh Jangam

"Grandmother: A Beacon of Life"

Grandmother, a beacon bright,
Tales of old, new delight.

Nose ring dazzling, grand tilaka,
Amber hair, gajra adorned.

Love like nectar, joy assured,
In her embrace, warmth secured.

Culinary artist, dishes grand,
Delectable treats by her hand.

Hide-and-seek, joy and care,
Her warm hug dispels despair.

Equal love, deep and true,
Cultural treasures, wisdom too.

Endless stories, spirit high,
Aching back, reaching sky.

In grandchildren, delight found,
Heartwarming treats all around.

Childhood glee, love imparted,
Her wish, life well-charted.

Grandma's love, a shining light,
Blessing us, lifting life.

©Santosh Jangam
  #Poem The poem celebrates the special bond between a grandmother and her grandchildren. It highlights her love, care, and guidance, making her a beacon of light in their lives.

#poem The poem celebrates the special bond between a grandmother and her grandchildren. It highlights her love, care, and guidance, making her a beacon of light in their lives. #Poetry


Santosh Jangam

"Melody of Loss"

Life's tune once sweet, her melody bright,
Now moonlight fades, lost to endless night.

Tears fall like rain, washing away pain,
But joy's a dream, a distant refrain.

Fate's fickle hand, the world rearranged,
Time's winding path, forever unchanged.

Dreams and lost sighs, a yearning so deep,
For fleeting moments, where solace I'd keep.

Light turns to doubt, dawns turn to gray,
Evenings shadowed, where did you stray?

Faltering steps on a lonely quest,
Your footsteps vanish, leaving me unblessed.

This journey's mine, a story untold,
Life's melody plays, forever I'm cold.

©Santosh Jangam
  #Poem The poem's about loss and how it can make you feel alone. It reminds you to cherish good times and find strength within yourself.

#poem The poem's about loss and how it can make you feel alone. It reminds you to cherish good times and find strength within yourself. #Poetry


Santosh Jangam

"Double-Edged Screen"

Our world's become a mobile screen,
Where faces wear fake smiles unseen.

The world unfolds in our hands' embrace,
Voices connect, relationships we chase.

Conversations bloom, distances shrink,
Life seems joyful, on pleasure's brink.

Whatever we seek, comes at our fingertips,
A world of convenience, at our lips.

A stream of information, at our doorstep,
Bridging the gap, knowledge we grasp.

Science's treasure trove, at our command,
Tasks dance at our fingertips, so grand.

This captivating web of fleeting joy,
Will shape the future, the coming time's ploy.

In knowledge's embrace, a slippery slope,
Lost in the depths, our souls elope.

We've become slaves to this device's sway,
It's time to rein in our minds, come what may.

Our lives are no longer private's domain,
Relationships bear a new, strained chain.

Our vision grows weaker, day by day,
As screens consume our lives, come what may.

We need harmony now, a balance to find,
Not the fear of this illuminating bind.

Young and old, hooked on this habit's snare,
The social fabric, beyond repair.

Impose discipline, before it's too late,
Reclaim our lives, before they abate.

©Santosh Jangam
  #Poem Mobile phones offer connection and convenience, but overuse can strain relationships and distance us from reality. Use them mindfully and find a balance.

#poem Mobile phones offer connection and convenience, but overuse can strain relationships and distance us from reality. Use them mindfully and find a balance. #Poetry


Santosh Jangam

"Unspoken Depths"

Let words flow, emotions show.
Eyes speak when voice is low.

Not all needs to be expressed,
A gaze can convey the rest.

In this depth of emotions vast,
Hide some things, some meant to last.

Understand some things unsaid,
Clearly express what needs to be read.

Calm the clashing waves within,
Hand in hand, let's journey begin.

Seek answers, don't stray from the road,
In actions, find your life's code.

Control the mind, let reason reign,
Seize the moment, cast away pain.

©Santosh Jangam
  #Poem The poem emphasizes the importance of unspoken communication and taking action to achieve life's goals.

#poem The poem emphasizes the importance of unspoken communication and taking action to achieve life's goals. #Poetry


Santosh Jangam

"Inner Quest"

Life flows fast, as time does sow,
What we reap is what we grow.

Fear arises, harm might be near,
Will our momentum disappear?

Will the endless thirst be gone?
Will greatness in life ever dawn?

Shall I rush to dreams, full of zeal,
Or be cautious with moments, and feel?

Questions flood, the mind can't rest,
Even with eyes closed, it’s a test.

Who gives strength to tired arms?
Who keeps the lamp from all harms?

Who renews the will to strive?
Who ensures wounds heal, and we survive?

To find oneself, a burning quest,
Living each moment to the best.

Pride in deeds, faith unshaken,
With strong belief, never forsaken.

Dreams flow like an endless stream,
Live and let live, the constant theme.

The doors of knowledge never close,
Thirst quenched when goals repose.

©Santosh Jangam
  #Poem The poem is to pursue self-discovery and dreams with unwavering determination, finding strength and purpose in every moment, and living a life full of continuous learning and fulfillment.

#poem The poem is to pursue self-discovery and dreams with unwavering determination, finding strength and purpose in every moment, and living a life full of continuous learning and fulfillment. #Poetry


Santosh Jangam

"Monsoon Magic"

Green embrace, beauty rare,
Drenched saree, with tender care.

Deep breaths, pure delight,
Dreamlike moment, holding tight.

Raindrops whisper, time stands still,
World aglow, on her window sill.

Breeze caresses, fleeting dream,
Who is she? A monsoon gleam.

Apsara's grace, stars ignite,
Enchanting presence, bathed in light.

Nature's touch, maiden fair,
Words fall short, beauty beyond compare.

Rain god smiles, promise untold,
"I'll return," whispers brave and bold.

©Santosh Jangam
  #Poem The poem paints a vivid picture of a beautiful woman enjoying a monsoon shower, highlighting the beauty of nature and the fleeting nature of moments.

#poem The poem paints a vivid picture of a beautiful woman enjoying a monsoon shower, highlighting the beauty of nature and the fleeting nature of moments. #Poetry
