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A Dream? 
No, it's reality...❤️✨
//Read In Caption Please// A Dream? 
No, it's reality... Yes It's Real !!
Are you alive?
Yes, Got A New and A Better Life !!

Yes... We Got a New Life... Better Than Before... Do You Know, How It Feels When You Get Someone, Who Loves You Through Their Heart Out? Do You Know, How It Feels When Someone Tolerates You, Forgives You and Loves You Much More Than Before? 🥺❤️👉🏻👈🏻
You Feel Just Like Staring At That Person...  
Just Keep Hugging And Don't Even Say a Word... Just Listen To Their Heartbeat...😌❤️

A Dream? No, it's reality... Yes It's Real !! Are you alive? Yes, Got A New and A Better Life !! Yes... We Got a New Life... Better Than Before... Do You Know, How It Feels When You Get Someone, Who Loves You Through Their Heart Out? Do You Know, How It Feels When Someone Tolerates You, Forgives You and Loves You Much More Than Before? 🥺❤️👉🏻👈🏻 You Feel Just Like Staring At That Person... Just Keep Hugging And Don't Even Say a Word... Just Listen To Their Heartbeat...😌❤️ #thankyou #ayu #lastquote #Puchu #Gomu



And Tearing Good Pages Of Old Book
Pasting It In New Book
Starting Writing Together
Decorating It With Our Love
Some Tied Promises In That
A Beautiful Bookmark Of Happiness
Becoming My Favourite Book
Holding My Breath
Caressing My Every Beat Of Heart
Giving Me Every Love Warmth !! After a Longgg Time.... ❤️✨

#love  #ayu #onlyyou #newstarting

After a Longgg Time.... ❤️✨ love #ayu #onlyyou #newstarting



मेरे दिल से तेरे दिल तक का फासला 
अब थोड़ा ज्यादा है,
प्यार तो है, जताने के लिए दूरियाँ ज्यादा है।
माना कि मुश्किलें बढ़ चुकी हैं
पर हमारा साथ पहले से मजबूत भी तो हुई है।
बस साथ तेरा इस सफ़र में काफी है,
तू पास रहे न रहे, तेरी प्यारी यादें 
अब मेरे लिए काफ़ी है।। Shiv Anand Thank you for your poke ☺️✨

Shiv Anand Thank you for your poke ☺️✨



A speaking skill test, 
When she started to go with her flow of words, the whole class settled and was staring at her, except the one at the last bench, who was trying to hide himself before.

And this time her 5 marks saved.

Because both knew that their eye contact can take them both to an other world!!



Sometimes it's important,
it's necessary to capture,
to preserve some memories,
some moments with glitters,
with stars of loveliness,
of ownness for self peace,
for the reason to live,
Yes, it's the need sometimes!!



/In Caption/ वो अपनी मौत से पहले न जाने कितने बार मर चुकी थी
पंख पाकर भी न जाने क्यों खुद ही उसे काटने लगी थी।।

जब आये ही नहीं थे पंख उसके बदन पर
तब बेसुमार उड़ने की चाहत रखा करती थी।
पर थोड़ी बड़ी होने पर
वो जैसे दिल खोल, खिलखिलाना भूल रही थी।।

वो अपनी मौत से पहले न जाने कितने बार मर चुकी थी पंख पाकर भी न जाने क्यों खुद ही उसे काटने लगी थी।। जब आये ही नहीं थे पंख उसके बदन पर तब बेसुमार उड़ने की चाहत रखा करती थी। पर थोड़ी बड़ी होने पर वो जैसे दिल खोल, खिलखिलाना भूल रही थी।। #Women #Strong #Truth #lady #sacrifices



The way your feelings expresses
The way your love spreads
The way your sadness condenses
The way your happiness giggles
The way your pain quitly hides
The way your words speaks
These are the way you really are Thank you for you every praises...
N recognition to me.....☺️💐😌💛

Dedicating a #testimonial to Vishal

Thank you for you every praises... N recognition to me.....☺️💐😌💛 Dedicating a #testimonial to Vishal



A  Man

//In Caption// A man with his four chambered heart
Separate it into two halves

Giving one to his loved one
Giving one to his own bairn 

Smiling upper lip to wife
Smiling lower lip to child

A man with his four chambered heart Separate it into two halves Giving one to his loved one Giving one to his own bairn Smiling upper lip to wife Smiling lower lip to child #boy #father #hardwork #A_Man



सुनो न !
मैं कुछ परेशान सी हूँ
तुम मेरी बेचैनी की वजह बनोगे क्या?
पता नहीं, क्या हो रहा मुझे
तुम ये अनजानी दर्द के वजह बनोगे क्या?
पता है मुझे तुम्हारा कोई गुनाह नहीं
पर मेरी हर गलती का मोहताज बनोगे क्या?
ये आँखें भले ही सुख गए हो
तुम मेरी उन आँसू का सैलाब बनोगे क्या?  Photography by me☺️🦋

Photography by me☺️🦋



बेख़ौफ़ खुदको हसाती हूँ
न दुनिया की फिक्र है
न दुनियादारी की
बेफिक्र खुदको खुदसे मिलवाती हूँ
न बिछड़ने का डर है
न किसीको खोने की
ये बच्चे से दिल को फुसलाती हूँ
न वो टूटा सा है
न मैं उसे रूठने देती हूँ

हाँ! मैं कुछ ऐसी ही हूँ।। #me  #kuchalfaaz #pyar #befikri #hakunamatata