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Raju Prajapati studing in B.Tech.from ICAR Belong to Varanasi ,Uttar Pradesh.... love writing poem and stories

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It's okay to lose your ego but 
"don't lose someone you love because of your ego"
-John Keats #lifeexperience#quoteslove



Have you cried ever without tears? Or being in pain which doesn't let you know exactly where it is? 
I think, Most of us would be having one phase which makes you realize, pain to have diverse nature in it. 
Generally, for the physical pain we have something called painkiller (analgesic) but what about the pain which in general called emotional pain. I think for that no medicine prevails. 

The medicine that can be hopefully, memories,  talks, sympathy,  empathy, compassion...which makes you feel you are alive even dying inside. 

You know, it leaves scars which can't ever be healed. It shatters us! consoles! persuades! alas!SUICIDE!! formats our life.
But what causes it, we should be clear about that. There is something more beyond what we think.
 So before making someone your habits be sure that it will follow throughout our journey. Be strong enough not to make someone your habit because habits are tough to leave either of something or SOMEONE!!!

                                                     Raju121Prajapati #lifeexperiences#shortemotionalstories#inspiringstories


Who is responsible??

Even for the years from now onwards if someone will ask you what is the most fearful thing that you know? Obviously, everyone will be having the same answer and that is the deadliest,  thing happened in this century SARS CoV-2 I.e.Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus. In general, the Corona Virus.
  But the question arises to whom it should be blamed? The country like China who don't give even the correct deaths to its citizens. The ash of dead bodies keep with them in the crematorium for months after death and didn't convey the message for other countries about this pandemic so they can be ready to tackle the situation and lives can be saved in millions. 
  Many of the nations who have become paralyzed in front of Corona since they care more for the economy than their countrymen. They take everything as simple as the way "Taliban "do in Afghanistan.  Where innocents around the world  have to pay for   others taste so that  they can increase their immune and sex power at the  cost of  life  of millions as in  the City of Wuhan...

For further reading this article you can google #tragedy#covid-19


Life has taught me not to believe anyone more than myself.

        @the.emotionalfool #lifeexperience#inspirationalquotes


if you really want something,you can figure out how to make it happen.

#the.emotionalfools #lifequotes#inspiringquotes


AGONY TO ECSTASY #lifeexperiences#horizon



Before two months , students would have planned for outing after  board exams, families for tours, tourist for exploring something new , migrants to way back to home after long to their villages, someone for marriage,and much more...but you know life has very funny way of proving us wrong .. isn't? Atleast by seeing this we can understand very easily.
 Tragedy is  you know what!!  No mother would have imagined to give birth in the ambulance on road,no tourist have imagined he won't be able to write his travelogue.No one would have imagined  that they would have to travel thousands of kilometres in this 21st century to get back to their home .
For many ones of us it seems  silence after the  storms when  nothing left to judge  what to be collected and what to be left.when doctors have to decide their priorities for to whom they have to save either the young ones or the old .
When all this going  on one  question arises  .
Are we really developed ? Country like America who has 10000 of nuclear warheads ..who used to call him  superpower of the earth . China who never give any clear data what is happening there  . Do you think they deserve to be called as superpower when a small viruse who can't be even seen by naked eyes shows their status!! where hundreds of thousands are struggling to be  alive....
It's time to look back and decide ..... where are we heading towards ... development or destruction..??

 To be continued......
                                 RAJU121PRAJAPATI #coronavirus#tragedy


We feel always not to  remember our bad moments but our mind always play game with always comes even if  you try your maximum to ignore . All india tour was over and  after few months  it was August 24, a normal evening for all but devastating and breaking evening for Akash. He was trying to talk so called his Angel  in his college fine evening of 24th and requesting her for few   minutes to talk  because it was damn important and necessary for him  .you know what hurts most  when you  give value someone more than yourself  and  they don't care a bit about you .Upto the timing you can solve something about your shits people start to judge you and same thing  happened here.
Suddenly a known  voice broke my attention  . she was Apurva judging me  she commented "why don't you give  her space and time , why do you force  her to talk you..Akash was perplexed  to understand  tha the person who merely know him him suggestions what he has to do ,does she knows what and how to behave with others... he  got  moments of his  all india tour and the way she had reacted...
He was puzzled to understand why people always think that they know everything,that they are always right ,without knowing what was the reason.You know  from thay day Angel left.she went her way even after continuous efforts of Akash to make her understand what is right and what was wrong Angel never understood why Akash was trying to  talk that day  .Apurva has disappeared..she came  into picture to give free advice that has potential to ruin everything that you have made in years ....and infact everything was broken  angel would be happy i hope  ...she must be because she was in prayers of someone she couldn't understand that ...and who always wished and took all his decisions for taking care of her ......
            RAJU121PRAJAPATI #lifeexperiences


you know what hurts the most ,when you are expected to behave the way people wish but unfortunately it seems ridiculous  right?
It  was  February 22 .We are at Mumbai Central heading towards Ahmadabad..for our All India tour the best moments anyone can have..and memories last forever. The train was about to begin within one hour and we all were arranging our luggages.
Tragedy of mind is when we had arguments with our  loved ones ..our physical presence  doesn't make any  sense there..Akash was lost somewhere looking into the window by telling himself that  life is like train ,you don't have value if you keep staying at same station.
Suddenly , Akash heard shouting his  name from the first cabin of S6 from  his batchmate named Apurva.It was our coach since we were altogether 50.
He ignored her  by thinking of it was for arranging bags and all .Generally that voice doesn't call him or merely in the whole journey of his  graduation  he  had a talk that you can count on fingers ..somehow upto the time he  could understand the severity of the situation it all happened.
A ragpicker was trying her to fear..and tried to  behave badly .We reached late by few seconds and while seeing us he ran away .Seeing  Akash, Apurva start to  yell, curse and in fact  hit  with her leg by complaining why didn't you reach at the moment.He  didn't tell anything as he was already lost  somewhere. Generally Journey  give us lot of friends even  making  strangers close enough to call them friends but in  case of us it was just joke never happened....
Time passes  even if we don't wish so ...

To be continued...........
                                    RAJU121PRAJAPATI #Lifeexperiences



क्यो घमंड करता मानव जब सागर की न टिक पाती है,
पूछो उन सागर की लहरों से जो किनारा छूने आती है ,
कर अथक परिश्रम, पल-पल यूंही बेरंग लौट जाती है,
देख किनारे पर से सागर की औकात  नज़र आती है ,
फिर भी उसकी लाचारी -बेबसी दिख जाती है।
एक छोटा सा जीव तेरी औकात बता जाती है ,
क्यो खेलतें हो खेल प्रकृति से  खुदपर ही संकट लाती है ,
इतनी भी क्या नादानी तुम्हे नही समझ मे आती है ,
क्यो घमंड करता मानव जब सागर की न टिक पाती है ।।  

    Raju121Prajapati #औकात#situationnowadays