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mother's day#mother love#cartaker,#fighter#comfortdhone

mother's daymother lovecartaker,#fighter#comfortdhone #Life



It is our duty to take care of our mothers and to respect and love them. Mother's day is celebrated to make our mothers feel special and shower all our love on her. Though it is celebrated on the second Sunday of May, every year, yet, we should celebrate every day as Mother's Day to make our mothers feel special

  #MothersDay  Mother's love# first love off world

#MothersDay Mother's love# first love off world #Society


Sandhiya distance love distance love #Love



The way Davidge and Davila maintain their relationship won’t impress anyone familiar with the internet and smartphones. But, considering the fullness of human history, it is astounding that two people in separate places can keep up such a rich relationship without much financial or logistical hassle—and think nothing of it.

It’s hard to say for sure whether long-distance relationships are more common than they were a generation or two ago, though some scholars suspect they are. “They’re there, and we think they’re on the increase,” says Laura Stafford, a communication scholar at Bowling Green State University who has studied long-distance relationships.

But the many forms that long-distance relationships take make them really hard to count: Couples (married or not) might live apart because they attend different colleges, they have jobs in different cities (or countries), one or both of them are in the military, one or both of them are in prison, or one or both of them have moved to take care of an aging parent. Further complicating matters, these arrangements can be relatively short in duration or last for years.

  #humantouch #longdistancelove #emoitons


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Robin DanielsExpand search
The 16 Most Inspiring, Life-Changing, Motivational Articles EVER!
The 16 Most Inspiring, Life-Changing, Motivational Articles EVER!

Robin DanielsRobin Daniels
Robin Daniels
Marketing & Growth Executive | 3xCMO, 2.5xIPOs 😆…
Published Apr 3, 2017
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"These all go to 11"
Ok, I admit it. I'm a sucker for inspirational articles.

With all the noise on the Internet, it's sometimes hard to find uplifting, positive stories that make you want to be a better person. But they are there. You just have to look.

So in an attempt to put out something positive, here's my list of the most inspiring articles ever. I hope you find some inspiration here. And please, share your own most inspiring articles in the comment section.

The Career Advice I Wish I Had At 25 - This article is a treasure trove of wisdom. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll wish you knew this when you were 25.
10 Fundamental Truths That Will Change Your Life - Lots of great insights and truths here. One of my favorites being "You are only as good as those you associate with."
What Should I Do With My Life - This article inspired me in profound ways, and whenever I feel lost, I go back and re-read this article. The money quote "It comes down to a simple gut check: You either love what you do or you don’t. Period."
13 Things You Should Give Up If You Want To Be Successful - One of the most powerful insights is to give up on saying yes to things that don't support your goals in life.
The 27 Rules of Conquering The Gym - I love this article because it's both real and funny. The money quote "Nope, that's not a "recovery energy bar with antioxidant dark chocolate." That's a chocolate bar." - I'm still laughing from this.
5 Choices You'll Regret Forever - I love the advice of not making decisions based on what other people think. Sure, take advice from trusted friends and sources, but your gut will tell you if a decision is good or not.
Don't F*ck Up The Culture - I'm a big believer in culture to make companies great. It's often what sets apart good companies from great ones. It's your responsibility to make your culture great.
My Metric for Success? Happiness - Richard Branson has always been an inspirational figure, in large part because he puts such a high premium on passion and happiness. I love this "In my opinion, true success should be measured by how happy you are."
If I Could Start Over, Here's What I'd Do Differently - I love the suggestion to celebrate other peoples success more often. In the rush of every day life, we often forget to celebrate the little (or big) things that people do.
Quantity of Life vs. Quality of Life - This article is actually written by one of my dearest friends, whom I have all the respect for in the world. The article is all about finding meaning in your life, and not just buying into the rat-race.
Ten Things Successful People (Who Are Actually Happy) Do Differently - One of the best insights here is "They make their health a priority. There are an absurd number of links between your health, happiness, and success." - Well said.
The Importance of Scheduling Nothing - I'm a big fan of "making time" to think about strategic and epic initiatives, instead of just getting bogged down by day-to-day tactical things. If you don't prioritize your life, you can be sure someone else will.
Busy is the New Stupid - I think the title more of less speaks for itself, and something I wholeheartedly agree with... even if I don't always hold true to it. Busy IS the new stupid.
High Performing Jerks = Culture Crushers - Don't tolerate jerks in your company. Speak up, or do something about it.
Passion, Fun, Priorities: How I Have Avoided Work-Life Balance Burnout - Work-life balance is to many the holy grail of life. It's hard to achieve, and even harder to hold on to. Here are some great insights.
What's Missing In Leadership Is What's Missing In Ourselves - I love the idea of introspection, self-love, and self-healing in order to be a better leader and human being. "Our shortcomings as leaders are usually the unfinished business within our souls."
Bonus: Here's a great article by Mark Manson about letting go, it's called Why The Best Things in Life Are All Backwards
These are just some of the articles that I've found inspiring, insightful, and moving. What are your favorite ones?

  #alone # motivation#self love

#alone # motivationself love #Motivational





# knowledge#learnig

# knowledgelearnig #Mythology



#knlinepoetry #Tenho


In 1974, under the leadership of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, India made its first tentative foray into nuclear power. The Pokhran-I test was carried out by Gandhi in 1974 on Buddha Purnima. The test was described as a "peaceful nuclear explosion" to appease Western nations and prevent the danger of sanctions from them.

  #TechnologyDay #pokhran-2


India is celebrating its 25th National Technology Day today. Every year on May 11, the country honours and acknowledges the contributions of scientists and engineers. The day marks India's successful nuclear tests, code-named Operation Shakti, in Pokhran in 1998, which were conducted under the leadership of former President Dr APJ Abdul Kalam. Former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee first declared May 11 as National Technology Day in 1999 to honour Indian scientists, engineers, and technologists

  #snow #Histroical